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Practical and Effective Use of Log4J

Log4J has become a de-facto standard logging tool for Java. It provides a comprehensive and robust means of logging in all types of Java projects, from the simplest class to full-scale enterprise applications.

Practical & Effective Use of Log4J is a 1-day, hands-on, training course that will enable developers to implement Log4J effectively in their code in a meaningful and consistent fashion. It is taught using real-life examples, covering many different situations, illustrating a number of logging strategies.

You will go away from this course having a solid understanding of how Log4J works, with a comprehensive set of notes and examples to use on your next project.

Log4J Training Course - Part 1
Concepts of Log4J
Installation and setup
Configuring Log4j
A first logging example
Log4J Training Course - Part 2
Loggers, Appenders & Layouts
Logging strategies - web containers, application servers
Advanced Techniques
Extending Log4J